Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Our Trip To Ross Creek
Day 2 of E.O.T.C Week

On Monday the 29th of November the year 6 pupils started their E.O.T.C. week. The first thing we participated in was a scavenger hunt around the school. We had to look for a feather, a four leaf clover, count how many tyres in the bottom playground and many other things like that.
After interval we went into two groups. One group stayed in the class and did first aid the other group went up to the top field and did tent pitching. Some people found it hard but others thought it was really easy.
At the first aid we had to get a partner and bandage their foot like they twisted their ankle. After lunch we did a thing called Mission Impossible. One task was quite hard but it wasn’t impossible for everyone. The challenge was to get a box off a platform with ropes in to a metal basket without it touching the sides. The second challenge was to get from one hoop to the other hoop that was on the other side of the field by getting along a plank then you walked across it to get to the next tyre. If you fell off you had to go back to the start. Most people fell off because some tyres had 2 people in it so it was harder. It was a really good day.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Orange Parade

Monday, November 22, 2010
Fair Play Award
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Celebrate our success outside school

Jump Rope For Heart


On Friday 12th of November Liam bought his ridgeback dog to school to share with the class.
Ridgebacks can survive without water for over 24hrs

up the stairs to rooms 4&5.
Everyone in room 5 feed her dog biscuits that she enjoyed.
She is small but confident .
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Touch Rugby
Their first game was played against Musselburgh and they won 7 to 3. The player of the day was Jorja. Well done Jorja. The last two weeks it has been rained off so we are hoping that it is fine for our next game.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Being safe while swimming
Oral Health

Oral Health Week
This week saw a visit from the dental therapists to talk about keeping our mouths healthy. They shared how important it is to brush all parts of our mouth. It is also important to think about the food that we eat because this can have an effect on our teeth. After our talk and discussion the children were lucky to receive a special bag that had information, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Many were excited with the new toothbrush and were keen to get home and try the brush out.
On Thursday 21 st October the Choir from North East Valley Normal School participated in the Christmas Kids for Kids performance at the town hall. Wearing tidy bright coloured clothes, the children arrived at 7:15 pm to 9:15. As it is was Christmas theme you saw children with Santa hats / tinsel or Christmas themed earrings…
The students sang their hearts out and really enjoyed the evening. A great time for all. It was a late evening but a successfully one.

Over the past days, the whole school has been learning to swim with Jill Clark Swim School. There are 3 different groups in our class. So far everyone has been having a lot of fun. Room 5 goes first at 8:45 am and we swim for 45 minutes. If you want to watch our brilliant swimmers you are all welcomed.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Creating a new garden with plants.

On Monday a reading group went down to the gardens to plant some new plants.
The teacher wanted them to grow these plants so that they could learn how to pickle and preserve them.
They planted beetroot, spinach, cauliflower and Peas. Yum.
The children each took turns planting. They dug a hole then took a plant out
Of the container to put in the hole. After they put the plants in the garden, they watered them so that they stayed alive. They had to use worm fertilizer to water and feed the plants. It will take a while for the plants to grow so the class will need to keep taking care of them. We are looking forward to watching them grow.
Cooking the Garden

A group of children from our class decided to use the last of vegetables left in their garden. What was left were leaks and flat leaf parsley. They decided to make pinwheel scones from these veggies.
They picked, they washed, they chopped, they fried and then they mixed all the ingredients together.
All that was left to do was to cook them.
When they were cooked the children got to eat these delicious pinwheels. They were the best treats made so far. All that was left was smell of the warm pinwheels from the oven.
Jack B Mase
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Topic Challenge
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Soccer Training

We are lucky to have Dave and James from Soccer South coming to us each Thursday afternoon to take us through some soccer skills. Warming up is important before we start and some of our feet get tangled up with the cones. Dribbling and having ball control has been the focus of the last 2 sessions. We are looking forward to learning more.
Kapahaka Maori and Pacific Festival 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New Classroom

We are enjoying having a wonderful learning space. Our classroom is a great place to learn and we are quickly settling back into life as it was before our classroom was painted. People ar erespecting the new furnature and new learning spaces that have been made. Come up and see us working in our new space.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Cross Country

Cross Country.
On Tuesday 24th of 2010,Rooms 3 and 5 went to Balmacewen Intermediate School to participate in the Northern Zone Cross Country.
At first when the children arrived they sat down and waited for the first race to begin. While they waited they looked at the distance that they were going to run and the track that they would be following.
Everyone had a gaol with their running. Some children set themselves a gaol to complete a lap around the field. There was a chance to pull out if
they wanted to. Some parts of the track you had to run down a steep hill and another part where you had to run up a very steep hill. It was hard to run up and down the
hill because the grass was very wet. At the end we had to run through a strip and we all got a number on our hands.
Everyone did very well. Two people from our class made
it into the Otago Championships. Two girls from our school made
it into the top ten .One from room 3 and one from room 5 .
By Briana.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Nga Kemu Maori ano

We are just loving the new games that we are learning each week. This time we learnt a variation on Tug-of-War. You needed strength and agility to really bet your opponent. We finished with a Hawaiian game called Ulu Maika that saw us having a good eye hand co ordination to try and get a ball through a target. This game enabled us to challenge each other. A great skill for those budding cricket players.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Maori Games

A new group of teachers came to school and taught us two new games. The first game was called Ki-o-rahi. It is a game that is like netball and rugby. It is a game set around a Maori legend. The aim is to score a gaol in the centre of the circle but you first have to get past the Taniwha. A good team game but we will need a lot of practice to get this game right.
Fair Play Award
Volleyball Tournament

On Tuesday the 17th August the senior school took part in a Volleyball tournament held at our school. There were other schools from around our area that took part.
This was the first time that many of the children had played volleyball. As the games began the children showed their serving and volleying the ball skills. The ball sometimes found itself hitting the net and the hall windows.
The hall was full of laughter and enjoyment of the game. There were many team winner but volleyball won the day.
It was a good way to meet other children from other school. We are looking forward to the next tournament.
Liam Rory
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Learning Maori Games

Children from Room3 and Room5 are participating in learning a range of Maori games. Each week, a group of teachers from the Physical Education Department of the University of Otago will be coming in to the school to teach a game.
This week the children learnt Motere and Poi Rakau. The playground was alive with the sounds of encouragement as teams learnt and participated in these games.
Next week we look forward to learning the next games.
Miniball Tornament

Basketball was the focus of the day. Three teams from North East Valley Normal School participated in the local miniball tournament.
Each team set goals for themselves for each game. For some of the students it was their first time playing the game. Dribbling and lay ups were just some of the skills shown.
Empty drink bottles and hot feet ended the tournament where players still wanted to play more games. They are looking forward to plying in the next miniball tournament.
Fair Play Award

Grace was presented this term with the Fair Play Award. This award is given out a few times a year. It is given in recognition of a person who is helps with in the school. They show respect and go that extra mile to work with others in the school. Grace had shown many of these qualities and more. Well done, we are proud of you.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This week we were very lucky to have a concert in our class. Liam brought his clarinet to school. This was special because we are also learning about sound and how sounds are created.
Liam explained how this instrument works and how sounds are created. He then played for the class two pieces that he has been practicing. It sounded wonderful. We know that Liam is talented musician. He also learning the cello and piano. We are looking forward to other concerts that he might share with us.
Writers conference

Hamish and Ben had the opportunity to attend the Writers Conference held this year at Port Chalmers School.
At the start they listened to a speech and then they were split into groups. At first the groups went to different work shops. One group went to Ella the, writer of the book Thieves. Ben learnt a motto; every story has to be cool people doing cool stuff. Meanwhile, Hamish was in room 6 with Raymond Huber. He told him that there was something called the three p’s. Person, place and problem. Then after that, everyone went back to the hall. There they all went to Port Chambers school library. They met someone called Sandy McKay. “I have written about nine books” she had said. Hamish identified some of the areas that he finds difficult in his writing. It is when he needs to add or extend his stories. Ben says that the hardest bit for him about writing is when a story is ending. Making the end have a good twist was something he wanted to have in his writing.
They both felt that they enjoyed the day and that many of the ideas shared would help their own writing back at school.
Hamish Ben
Monday, August 2, 2010
Harold the Giraffe

On Thursday and Friday our class had the opportunity to go into the Life Education truck with Harold the Giraffe. There we learnt about how special and unique we all are. There was a movie where it told us about a plant where everyone was all the same. The planet was boring and no one ever thought for them selves. We thought it would be boring to be like them and never have to think for ourselves. Learning to make our own decisions was something else that we learnt.
The Army comes to school.

Steve Aydon came to our school to share what it is like to be in the army. He has been in the army for ten years. Steve showed us his army gear and told us information about the army. We were able to try on some of his uniform and put on his backpack. When his back pack is full, it weighs 10 kgs. His sleeping bag is warm, cosy and waterproof. Steve then placed us into 3 groups. Room 2 was Alpha, room 3 was Bravo and room 5 was Charlie. We did a range of exercises like they do in the army.
Working together was the skill that we learnt and how important this is in the army. We can use this idea in our class.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
D.N.I come to visit

On Thursday the 22nd of July, Mr Leach, the principle of D.N.I and some students of the school, came to us. They talked about some of the sports that they do and we found out that there are more than 14 different sports that they play.
Puti, Gemma, Eli and Mikaire were the children and they told us of the activities that also go on.
At D.N.I they do their own school news that is shown at the school assembly. Mr Leach said that it is basically why everyone comes to the assembly. There are different classes for different interests like music, drama, and sports. They showed some pictures of what they do around school and they did a couple of videos about it. These were really cool. At the end they gave out flyers for all the Year sixes to tell their families when the open night is. They left and gave us some hats that they use at D.N.I. We said thank you and they left.
Jaani Jarrad
Keeping Dunedin Beautiful
On Monday 19th of July 2010 the whole school went to a show called Keep Dunedin Beautiful which was held in the hall. It was about how to keep Dunedin clean and tidy. At the start of the show Jo told us to think of our favourite place and then she said that when we have some spare time we could go to that place around Dunedin and pick up the rubbish that is lying around there. The show was very interesting. During the show, they went to the fish and chip shop and asked for some fish and chips but they couldn’t get fish before they had taken all the fish from the sea. They went back in time and fix that up. Next time they went to get fish and chip shop they couldn’t get chips because people they had dumped their rubbish and polluted the soil. After going back in time again and sorted this problem out. Next time they couldn’t get any tomato sauce. Once they had there fish and chips they threw the rubbish in the water so they realized that it was not healthy to throw it into the water so they cleaned the water out and put the rubbish in the rubbish bin. At the end of the show it was time to ask some questions. There was a lesson to be learnt by everyone.
By Briana.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Body Poems
Basketball Tornament

What a way to end the term. Room 5 verse Room 3 at an inter class Basketball game. Before this match,we had to find the winning team to represent Room 5. Teams were formed, cheers were created and the tournament began. After many goals scored a team was found. This team versed Room 3. The referee was kept busy with the ball travelling many times back and forwards on the court. The final score was a draw. We thought that this is the start of many other tournaments that we could organise and participate in.