Here we all are back at school for 2012. It has been a great start and we have been enjoying each others company again. With new responsibilities everyone is finding out what they need to do to help and work around the school.
At the end of the year the year 6 children take part in a great week for EOTC. Here we get to have a go at things that some of us have never had a go at. Learning to put up a tent when the wind is blowing was hard but most of us got them up and spent some time in them. Tramping ,orienteering,cooking,knots are just some of the activities that you get to do. All of us had a great time.
We are really luck at our school as we have many sports people that come and teach us skills . Golf was the sport of the day and many of us were glad to pick up our clubs and have a go. Many skills were learnt and we are looking forward to some of us taking part in next years golf tournament.
During term 3 and 4 a group of children from our class tried their hands at knitting. With the teaching and help from Mary ,we learnt how to knit and pearl. Mary had shown us some examples of what we could aim for. Most of us decided to make a cushion. Using different colours and making squares we finally finished . We were very proud of what we had made.