A few days a go Rm5 did some work with clay. They made clay Dragons.
It was fun and hard at the same time. The children had to do it in different steps because it was a weird shape to start with. They had to start by rolling the clay into a ball and shaping out the head.
It was an interesting experience and everybody’s looked different.
It was hard to do the details but they looked really good in the
end. It was a lot different to any of the art that we have ever
done before. People had spots, stripes and patches on their dragons
and they were all different shapes and sizes.
Most people put wings on their dragons but there were a few people who didn’t. The clay wasn’t that hard to work with
but with tricky details like spikes and wings that were up in the air it got a bit hard, especially when the clay started to dry up a bit. We are letting the clay dragons dry and if they stay together we will ask if we can get them fired. Watch this space for the fired results.
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