On Tuesday 8th of November the whole school went to a show that Mike and Tom were running. The show was about 2 people,playing the Ukulele and other instruments. Tom showed some things that he could play on the ukulele. Mike had told us that he had been playing music for 52 years. He started playing when he was 12. Mike showed us that he could do some tricks
like string tricks and juggling . Some of Mikes songs we play in our class using our ukulele. We enjoyed joining in and playing some of these with him.
Jessica Blake
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Art Gallery

This week saw our class going to the Art gallery and working with Mr Neumegan. Our focus was on transport . As we travelled around the gallery we looked at and discussed some of the works and how people told their stories. At one exhibition we were encouraged to interact with the art work. Everyone enjoyed this.
Off to the classroom we went. We made art work from a birds eye view. We had to draw maps and think about what they might look like from goggle earth. These pieces of art were fantastic and know they decorate our classroom walls.
Some childrens art work was asked to be share with other people because it was so good. We always love going to the art gallery and can't wait to go again.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Full Steam Ahead

Full Steam Ahead
On Wednesday, my dad Andrew came into Room 5 and showed us
how a Steam Engine works. I made a poster about trains and I had to share it a
week later because my dad couldn’t share it earlier. He brought a model Steam engine in. This is run by heating the water by fire. When the water boils, the steam pushes it through a pipe and then pushes the wheel around and around. The extra steam comes out a funnel just like a real steam train.
Rugby World Cup Show

Rugby World Cup Show
Anna and Kattrin came and performed a show they created
about the Rugby World Cup. We all enjoyed the show very much. We listened
to a range of different stories that Kattrin told from the different countries that were taking part in the world cup.
We sang “My old man’s an All Black”. It was enjoyable especially having rugby balls made into a sheep, a watermelon, a baby and a Christmas pudding. Finally they told their last story and it was time to leave. If you want to check out the song , check it out on you tube.
Ani Chloe
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Mussel Time

As part of our topic we got to look at a mussel up close. While looking at it we had to complete a worksheet that had many questions to answer all about the inside of a mussel. We got to examine the outside as well. We got to find out that the mussel has a tongue and only one foot. Weird but nice to eat.
Sam Matai
The Art Bus

Room 5 were very lucky to be Dunedin North Intermediate School to visit the travelling Art Bus. Here a range of art pieces have been housed in a bus. Everyone loved seeing all the art work. It was great show. We were able to walk around and have a look at all the different pieces . As we looked we were able to talk,draw and get different ideas from the pieces we really liked. It was a really cool place to visit.
Cross Country

On Wednesday the 23rd of August, the year 5 and 6 children went to Balmacewen Intermediate to participate in the North Zone Cross Country. The children were all excited and ready to race. When they arrived a teacher told us about the race rules and the track that we could be racing on. The year 5 girls lined up first and then it was the boy. They were off racing their fastest. Meihana made it in the top ten and to take part in the Otago Championships. Now it was the year 6 girls and boys. BOOM. They sprinted off with Tarryn and Cameron G making the top ten and into the Otago Championships.
It was a tough track but most made it round. The winners went on to take part in the Otago Championships and the whole school wished them luck.
Cameron G Meihana
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Portobello Aquarium

On Friday the 16th September, the whole school went to the Portobello Aquarium. We left taking two buses and first stopped at Macandrew Bay. We got to play on the play ground and eat our morning tea first. After this time we crossed the road and climbed down the rocks down to the beach to see what we could find. With our guides in our hands we began to discover many different creatures. Shelly found a octopus that had died. You could see its eyes and beak. It was amazing to look at. Here we were able to find Chitons,Crabs Neptunes Necklace and many more before it was time to drive off to Portobello to have our lunch.
We had our lunch not far from Aquarium. Back on the bus and after a short,windy trip we were there. As we got into the Aquarium we were greeted by some baby salmon swimming around in a tank. After getting into different groups we all had 4 different activities to complete. Out on the beach we got to identify the different zones and the animals and plants that lived within these. Next little sharks were enjoying their dinner of crab. We learnt to identify a girl crab and a boy crab. Inside we got to see a crab close up having its dinner and finally the touch tank. After all of that excitement it was time to get back on the bus were it was a long trip home.
Connor K
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

On Thursday the 25th of August, the senior children of North East Valley Normal participated in Stars on Stage. First they met up at the school on the night and got their costumes on. When the bus arrived they all lined up and walked on the bus. Some were excited and some were nervous. Finally they arrive at the Regent Theatre . They waited a while and finally it was their turn to go on stage. They waited for the curtain to rise. The first people on stage were the Auckland monsoons. They were a bit nervous but had a really good performance. Next up were the Wellington tornadoes. They had a lot more enthusiaism with their dance. Now for the pennguins. Splish, splash, shshsh. The smoke machine went off. Next up were the gumboots. Everyone was cheering for them as they did their their dance. They were a bit nervous but did a great job at their dance. After the performances of Stars on Stage, the kids met their parents outside the Regent Theatre.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Kapahaka festival

The senior children from North East Valley Normal took part in the Maori and Pacific Island festival. They were very happy and nervous. They heard clapping and cheering for the group before us. "Right, everyone is quiet"' said the teachers. It was dead silent. It was our turn. Butterflies were in tummies and people were getting stage fright. The 1st line went on then it was the next few lines. Mrs K-E was tuning her guitar as the children were looking out to the audience people watching. Here goes the first song, then the next and then our final item. "Well done everyone. You all sang,danced and looked amazing", said the teachers. We still had to be quiet because the other schools were performing. They were as good as us but it was about having fun and enjoying yourself. We had to hop back on the bus and back to school we went. When we got back we had to change out of our costumes. It was a great time and we can't wait until next year.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Kahurangi Dance Group

This week were lucky to have the Kahurangi Dance Group perform at school. They presented the story of the Pacific. How people travelled from Hawaii , through the pacific and ending up in New Zealand. As they travelled through the islands different dances were shared. Some of the dances used a lot of energy and used some difficult moves.
Finally they arrived in New Zealand. They shared the taiaha with us all and then asked for some warriors to come and show us some of us their moves. Our school warriors were great. They had their own moves that they got to share with the audience.
Time had gone fast and the show was over. The show inspired our own practice that we had been doing getting ready for the Kapahaka and Polynesian festival.
Stars on Stage

On Thursday the 25th of August, North East Valley Normal School performed at Stars On Stage held at the Regent Theatre. We have been practicing f'or many weeks and it had paid off. Our costumes looked great and we were all very enthusiastic. On the night all the kids got dropped off at the school and got into their costumes. There were penguines,reporters,rainbows and much more. RUSH,RUSH,RUSH! We are missing one person from the penguines! Finally ,everyone got on the bus and off we went. When we arrived at the Regent Theater we went straight to our dressing room and took our shoes off and put them in our bags. We had to wait half an hour before we could go to the next waiting room. We had to be silent. Finally we were in the wings. It was very dark. Now we were on stage doing our dance. We loved every minuite of it. After we did our performance we went back down to the dressing room and got our shoes on. Then we went back up and watched the rest of the show. After the show we got picked up by our parents. 'That was awesome,' we all said.
Celeste had a great time but she was tired. Her favourite part was dancing on stage with her friends.
Celeste had a great time but she was tired. Her favourite part was dancing on stage with her friends.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Keep Dunedin Beautiful

Today we went to the Keep Dunedin beautiful show. It was very entertaining and educational. We learnt that the blue bin is the one for glass, both bottles and jars. The yellow bin is for plastic, cans and paper. Our rubbish can be turned into another persons treasure. All other rubbish goes into the black or green bins. I thought that Brian's moustache was intriguing, and they were all very good singer. :]
Hey I'm a BOOK

On the 19th August NEVN school had book character day. The whole school dressed up so fine ,we didn't know who they were. With masks , capes , hats , wands , birds , toilets that talk and also witches. Everyone dressed up as a character from their favorite book. People won books from the senior and also the juniors. Lucy as Lucy , Dylan as a talking toilet , Finn as Captain Space Dinosaur and lots more. We had a parade on the courts. Everyone enjoyed themselves that day.
By Chloe
By Chloe
Monday, August 15, 2011
DNI Technology Visit

On Monday the 8th August, the Year 6 children went to DNI to experience their technology programme. With excitement in the air the children set to work. They got to have a go at materials, cooking , wood and metal technology. Each person made some interesting items that they were keen to share back at school and at home. One of the tasks was to decorate a cup cake but I'm afraid that I don't think these got home. Thank you to the teachers who made this morning such a exciting one.
A visit from children from D.N.I
Ukulele Jam

On Thursday, Room 5 from North East Valley Normal School went to the Ukulele Jam being held at George Street Normal School. With more than 26 schools, 260 children involved our host Mrs Alison Caldwell greeted us and welcomed us there.
With stickers on our ukulele, our hands got ready to play the first few songs. It sounded great especially because we had a live band playing along with us. An item on the stage saw some of our school friends showing how good their picking fingers were.
Half way through the morning we had a visitor that came to judge the colouring competiton. This was Nathan McCallum. He stayed and joined in with some of the playing of the songs. Matai and Charlie helped Nathan get his fingers around some of the songs.
One of our favourites to play was Ukulele Heaven because it had some hard chord changes. By the end of the Jam our fingers were ready for a rest. We were all very thankful to the people that took time out to organise this Jam and we hope we are the lucky ones to go again next year.
Matai Charlie
Mitten making

Lately, Room 5 have been making mittens to keep our hands warm. We decided that our hands would often get cold when we were doing outside activities like Road Patrol, Peer Mediation and Flags. Our decision was to use polarfleece and other materials to sew a pair for each child.
It was a hard choice when everyone had to choose the material they wanted to use as the was a lot to choose from. Mrs Austin and Mrs Kewene helped us use the sewing machines. It was hard work but we got it done and now enjoy wearing them.
Ani Sam
Ukulele practice
We have been practicing for the Ukulele Jam being held this year at George Street School. There are many songs to learn along with some tricky chord changes but we are all up to the challenge. To help us before the event we thought that we would perform to the school. It was great.
Monday, July 11, 2011
A magical afternoon full of sparkle and shine. Parrots and magic all rolled into one. Elgregoe the magician is his name.
Elgregoe and his assisstant Sue cmae and presented a show using magic to teach us about how not to bully. His millions of fans cheered him on. Some of Elgregoe's tricks were unbeleveable. He made the bird into a banner with a bunny just from a hat.
Elgregoe asked Matai to come and assist him up to be a human puppet. He offered him to choose between $100 or a Frisbee. Matai begged and begged for a frisbee. We all knew that Elgregoe was making Matai say this. Everyone was laughing out loud.
After the show,lots of people shared what they had learnt.
We loved it and look forward to their next visit.
Chloe Celeste
Elgregoe and his assisstant Sue cmae and presented a show using magic to teach us about how not to bully. His millions of fans cheered him on. Some of Elgregoe's tricks were unbeleveable. He made the bird into a banner with a bunny just from a hat.
Elgregoe asked Matai to come and assist him up to be a human puppet. He offered him to choose between $100 or a Frisbee. Matai begged and begged for a frisbee. We all knew that Elgregoe was making Matai say this. Everyone was laughing out loud.
After the show,lots of people shared what they had learnt.
We loved it and look forward to their next visit.
Chloe Celeste
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Spelling Quiz

On Wednesday, Meihana,Haziq,Lydia,Reuben ,Finn,Ani,Celeste,Kaci and Jazmin participated in the Otago Extra Spelling Quiz. It was challenging because they got 100 questions to answer and they were all trying to get a perfect score. The three teams answered questions,ran to hand them in and thought really hard about each question. Although none of the teams won everyone had a great time and are looking forward to next years team. A big thank you must go to Mrs Staynes for helping to train the teams and for the parents that transported .
Meihana Haziq
Meihana Haziq
School soccer
It was soccer again and this time we were going to play against Pine Hill School. The first half saw Pine Hill kicking and passing the ball well. The goalie kept the ball out but soon North East Valley was ahead by four goals. A break was had and the second half began. Two more goals were scored by the Valley with an awesome gaol by Tarryn. By the end of the game people very really tired by had had an enjoyable game. Player of the day was Patrick for his great kicking and for trying hard to score a gaol. We are looking forward to playing against another school with soccer.
Tarryn Stella
Tarryn Stella
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
School song
Here is my song that I wrote. I have also included a rap with mine.
North East Valley is number 1
Because all the children have so much fun
Every day we learn and play
School is so much fun
There are so many sports play
And we have fun all day
Like mini ball and net ball
Don’t forget volley ball
But best of all basket ball
Then all of a sudden the teachers call
‘School time’
When you’re chasing the bees all around the trees
You’re having so much fun
When the grass is so green and the trees are so bare
You just want to run, all around our school
When there’s safety around you don’t always know it
But if you are responsible, you might just show it.
When someone is in trouble it’s the teacher to the rescue
But you think it’s annoying when they really, really test you
All the children have so much, at North East Valley Normal School; you will be a fool if you don’t love our school, because sometimes we go to the pool. There are so many subjects to learn next, like reading writing and multiplex. Having fun and running around playing with friends and never frown. Eating, drinking then skipping and having fun, hopping in the hot summers sun.
Lots of sports like soccer and more were having fun and trying to score.
North East Valley is number 1
Because all the children have so much fun
Every day we learn and play
School is so much fun
There are so many sports play
And we have fun all day
Like mini ball and net ball
Don’t forget volley ball
But best of all basket ball
Then all of a sudden the teachers call
‘School time’
When you’re chasing the bees all around the trees
You’re having so much fun
When the grass is so green and the trees are so bare
You just want to run, all around our school
When there’s safety around you don’t always know it
But if you are responsible, you might just show it.
When someone is in trouble it’s the teacher to the rescue
But you think it’s annoying when they really, really test you
All the children have so much, at North East Valley Normal School; you will be a fool if you don’t love our school, because sometimes we go to the pool. There are so many subjects to learn next, like reading writing and multiplex. Having fun and running around playing with friends and never frown. Eating, drinking then skipping and having fun, hopping in the hot summers sun.
Lots of sports like soccer and more were having fun and trying to score.
North East Valley Song
In our writing at school we have been writing songs. These have been about our school. Here is mine that I would like to share with you.
School starts at 9:00 and it ends at 3:00
The cute year 1’s learning their A, B, C’s.
The teachers here are very awesome
They don’t think the kids are troublesome.
North East Valley is fun
Playing in the sun 2x
North East Valley School
Learning new things everyday
People from room 5 create with clay,
ALL DAY LONG!!! Another fun thing
North East Valley is making songs to sing
North East Valley is fun
Playing in the sun 2x
North East Valley is fun
North East Valley is number 1
School starts at 9:00 and it ends at 3:00
The cute year 1’s learning their A, B, C’s.
The teachers here are very awesome
They don’t think the kids are troublesome.
North East Valley is fun
Playing in the sun 2x
North East Valley School
Learning new things everyday
People from room 5 create with clay,
ALL DAY LONG!!! Another fun thing
North East Valley is making songs to sing
North East Valley is fun
Playing in the sun 2x
North East Valley is fun
North East Valley is number 1
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Sports with Logan Park High School
Cooking Our Garden

During the week the Yellow reading group went to the staffroom and got cooking. They were going to make pizza rolls using the silver beet from the class garden.
In the rolls there was silver beet,cheese,egg,flour, milk and butter.
First they had to wash their hands and then the silver beet. It was washed well and then cut up into small bits.
In a bowl they mixed the flour , butter and milk together and when it had made a dough they put it onto the bench and rolled it out. While some of the children were making the dough another group placed chopped onion,oil and silver beet into a frying pan and then cooked it.
Onto the rolled dough they placed the silver beet mixture and cheese and then rolled them up.
Finally they were placed into the oven. The smell while they were cooking smelt really nice.
Later they were taken up to the class where they were shared. Some children in the beginning said they did not like silver beet but they changed their minds when they ate our pizza rolls.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Soccer game

On Thursday, North East Valley Normal played soccer against George Street Normal School. It was a tough game at the start. In the first 5 minutes North East Valley team did some great defence and passing between each other.
The ball moved backwards and forwards from both goals. Lots of running,passing and intercepting.
Then finally Cameron G scored a great goal between all the passing the team did up and down the field.
The team defended again and got the ball back. They again scored another great goal.
Thank you to Mr Andrews who gave up his lunch time to umpire the game.
The player of the day was Connor for getting back on defence quickly.
The team is looking forward to their next match
Tarryn Cameron G
Song Writing

We have had Mr Ramsay in working with us on creating a school song. We have had lots of ideas and we are working on writing our own. Mr Ramsay has a great tune for us and has already come up with some of the verses. In our writing in the classroom we are developing our own songs. We love sharing what we have created so far. Keep an eye out for our follow up . You might even get to hear us sing.

Our learning this term is around the science topic of weather. We had a great visit to the Otago Museum where the focus was on Wild Weather. It was exciting to make clouds,measure the wind , make rainbows and watch how lightning is made.
It was great to have so many hands on activities to help our understanding and to make the topic interesting.
We have taken some of this learning and have written some reports on weather. identifying the main sections of a report was the first step that we needed to do. Information gathering took us a while as sometimes we had to re-word our questions. Some of us then thought about how we could present our work.
You can now read some of these on our walls. Come up and have a read.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A busy way to start the term. Swimming.
It was a great block of swimming that the whole school took part in. Everyone had goals that they were working towards. Arms, legs, kicking, breathing and developing how many length they could complete.
Jill and the teachers really took us through our paces to achieve these goals. Although we were tired at the end of the week our goal s were slowly beginning achieved.
We are looking forward to the next block of swimming as we have already set the goals for those.
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