On Thursday, Room 5 from North East Valley Normal School went to the Ukulele Jam being held at George Street Normal School. With more than 26 schools, 260 children involved our host Mrs Alison Caldwell greeted us and welcomed us there.
With stickers on our ukulele, our hands got ready to play the first few songs. It sounded great especially because we had a live band playing along with us. An item on the stage saw some of our school friends showing how good their picking fingers were.
Half way through the morning we had a visitor that came to judge the colouring competiton. This was Nathan McCallum. He stayed and joined in with some of the playing of the songs. Matai and Charlie helped Nathan get his fingers around some of the songs.
One of our favourites to play was Ukulele Heaven because it had some hard chord changes. By the end of the Jam our fingers were ready for a rest. We were all very thankful to the people that took time out to organise this Jam and we hope we are the lucky ones to go again next year.
Matai Charlie
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