Monday, November 3, 2014

Tayla and her friends PAVLOVA

For Tayla's homework she got her own choice, She thought for a while and an idea popped into her head. "Lets do a pavlova",she thought. She got her grandad to help her make a pavlova. He loves to make pavlova. So on Wednesday she got all of her ingredients and she started to make the pavlova. She made the pavlova mix and spreed it on a baking tray and cooked it for one hour. On Thursday she brought it to school and her reading group (the purple group) whipped the cream,cut up some fruit, place the fruit onto the Pavlova and finally add lots of sprinkles. Before they finished they took more photos.

Plastic plates and spoons were ready and Tayla cut her magnificent Pavlova. Time for sharing.  Lots of smiles and thank you were heard as Tayla shared out her Pavlova. Everyone loved the pavlova!


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